Business and Finance Office

The Business and Finance Office at Roseman University of Health Sciences provides a robust offering of financial services to the University community.

To submit an invoice or reimbursement, or to check on payment status, please email

Attention Vendors: Fill out this EFT Authorization Form to be paid by EFT

For student refunds, please see the Bursar.

For all other inquiries, please email or call 702-990-4433. You may also visit the Business Services office on the Henderson or South Jordan campuses.


For up-to-date financial information, please visit Roseman’s profile on GuideStar.

Roseman University Payroll / Roseman employees are paid Friday on a biweekly basis.  Time sheets are due the Monday before payday by 10:30am PT.

To electronically record your time or request time off, login to ADP WorkforceNow.  Be sure to also download the ADP app for iPhone or Android.

You may contact the Payroll Manager at 702-968-5256.

Per University policy, the administrator over each academic or service unit can authorize expenditures within their approved budget.  For items that require a purchase order, please contact the Purchasing Coordinator.

PO request form

Uniform Guidance

Roseman University of Health Sciences is reviewing our policies to be consistent with the new Uniform Guidance Procurement Standards, which apply to institutions receiving federal funds and grants, that went into effect December 26, 2014. For all non-federal entities, there is a three-year grace period for implementation of the procurement standards in 2 CFR 200.317 through 200.326. Roseman University elects to utilize the three-year grace period. The means that new procurement policies will not be in effect until July 1, 2018.

Download Procurement Policy


Access your monthly statement by logging in to Concur.

Business Office Team