Roseman University’s Economic Impact
In 2019, Roseman University engaged Tripp Umbach, a nationally recognized leader in evaluating the economic impact of universities on their communities, to analyze and prepare a comprehensive report of the University’s economic impact in Nevada and Utah.

In FY19, the total economic impact of Roseman generated $258.6 million, supported and sustained nearly 2,392 jobs, while producing $13.4 million in government tax revenue.
- Clark County, Nevada Impact – In FY19, the economic impact of Roseman generated $143.4 million in economic impact, supported and sustained more than 1,206 jobs, while producing nearly $6.6 million in state and local tax revenue in Clark County, Nevada.
- Salt Lake County, Utah Impact – In FY19, the economic impact of Roseman generated $115.2 million in economic impact, supported and sustained 1,186 jobs, while producing nearly $6.8 million in state and local tax revenue in Salt Lake County, Utah.
In FY19, employees at Roseman University of Health Sciences generated nearly $1.2 million in charitable donations and volunteer services. These benefits are in addition to the $258.6 million in annual impact that Roseman generates on an annual basis.
Alumni Impact – With nearly 5,500 alumni in FY19, Roseman University of Health Sciences alumni generated a combined annual economic impact of nearly $2.5 billion annually throughout the United States and supported nearly 30,395 jobs.
Cure 4 The Kids – In FY19, the economic impact of Cure 4 The Kids generated $43.4 million in economic impact, supported and sustained 285 jobs, while producing nearly $5.3 million in state and local tax revenue in Clark County, Nevada. The amount of economic value to Nevada’s economy in 2019 from keeping children in Nevada for their specialty care totaled $461.4 million in economic impact, supported 4,007 jobs, and generated $6.8 million in state and local tax revenue. These are dollars that would be lost to the state without the C4K program and are in addition to $43.4 million in operational impact.