Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Curriculum

Undergraduates entering Roseman University’s College of Nursing in the June 2023 cohort and beyond will be under new admissions requirements and an updated concept-based curriculum. Current students and incoming undergraduates enrolled in the October 2022 and February 2023 cohort will be unaffected by this change.
The new concept-based curriculum builds on the teaching and learning strategies Roseman has used for years in the Six-Point Mastery Learning Model®. Students will have even more opportunities for active hands-on work that connects classroom experiences with real life situations, emphasizes clinical judgment, and strengthens critical thinking skills.
The nursing curriculum of Roseman University of Health Sciences’ College of Nursing is built upon a foundation of liberal arts and sciences integrated throughout the nursing courses. Course progression is designed to integrate pre-requisite learning with new concepts to further develop critical thinking, clinical judgment and nursing knowledge and skills. The competencies outlined in the Essentials (AACN, 2021) are applicable across the Four Spheres of Care (disease prevention/promotion of health and wellbeing, chronic disease care, regenerative or restorative care, and hospice/palliative/supportive care), across the lifespan, and with diverse patient population. Threaded throughout the curriculum are the concepts of clinical judgment, communication, compassionate care, diversity, equity & inclusion, ethics, evidence-based care, health policy and social determinants of health.
Clinical Requirements
Students enrolled in the College of Nursing are required to participate in clinical rotations as part of the curriculum. Students must meet clinical requirements and show documentation to protect themselves and assigned clients, and adhere to agency policies. Additional requirements may be set forth by clinical sites or agencies.
Failure to provide the requirements will result in an inability to attend clinical rotations. Details on specific clinical requirements and forms will be sent to students upon matriculation.
Course Descriptions
Block 1.0 (NURS 300) – Introduction to the Profession
An introduction to professional nursing from historical, social, legal-ethical, political, economic, theoretical, and cultural perspectives. An overview of the professional roles of the nurse in healthcare environments is introduced.
Block 2.0 (NURS 301) – Health Assessment
Instructs the student to the basic principles, knowledge, and motor skills required for a comprehensive health assessment of clients within a legal/ethical framework in a laboratory setting. The student will also develop interview and therapeutic communication techniques that may be used in the assessment of clients across the lifespan.
Block 3.0 (NURS 302) – Fundamentals of Nursing
Provides the fundamentals of nursing principles and practice related to the basic health needs of individuals. Students will learn the basic principles, skills, and behaviors essential to safe, effective nursing care of the client.
Block 3.1 (NURS 302.1) – Fundamentals of Nursing and Basic Skills
Students will apply basic skills and nursing principles in clinical settings.
Block 4.0 (NURS 303) – Nursing Pharmacology
Provides students with an analysis of the physiological actions, therapeutic uses, adverse effects, drug interactions, and safe administration of selected drugs. Emphasis is placed on the application of the nursing process as the framework for the safe administration of drugs.
Block 5.0 (NURS 304) Adult Health Nursing I
Builds on the fundamentals of nursing. Emphasis is placed on the care and management of adult clients experiencing alterations in health.
Block 5.1 (NURS 304.1) – Adult Health Nursing I – Clinical
Students will further develop psychomotor skills essential for professional nursing practice. Students will synthesize knowledge using the nursing process to manage care for adult clients.
Block 6.0 (NURS 305) – Nursing Theories, Practice, and Issues
Focuses on nursing theories and their relevance to professional practice. Students are introduced to practice models in various health care environments. Future and current issues in nursing practice will be explored.
Block 7.0 (NURS 401) – Nursing Research
Introduces the student to fundamental concepts in nursing research and focuses on understanding the purpose of research as a major contributor to nursing science, interpretation of study results, and cultivation of critical thinking through the research critique. Concepts of evidence-based practice in nursing are emphasized.
Block 8.0 (NURS 402) – Maternal Newborn Nursing
Focuses on the healthcare needs of childbearing women and their families through all stages of the perinatal period and childbirth. Emphasis is placed on the growth and development of the fetus and the needs of the mother, the newborn, the family, and support systems. High-risk pregnancies, labor complications, and the physiologically challenged neonate are also covered.
Block 8.1 (NURS 402.1) – Maternal Newborn Nursing – Clinical
Clinical experience will focus on the physical and psychosocial assessment of mother and child. This will include providing care to uncomplicated pregnancies, healthy newborns, and to women with complicated pregnancies.
Block 9.0 (NURS 403) – Pediatric Nursing
This Block focuses on the healthcare of children from infancy through adolescence.& Emphasis is placed on the needs of the child, the family, and their support systems throughout developmental milestones.
Block 9.1 (NURS 403.1) – Pediatric Nursing – Clinical
Clinical experience will focus on age-appropriate care for infants, children, and adolescents in supervised clinical environments. Emphasis is placed on incorporating the family and support systems in meeting the child’s developmental needs.
Block 10 (NURS 306) – Adult Health Nursing II
This Block includes a more in-depth analysis of adult clients experiencing acute, chronic, and critical alterations in health status.
Block 10.1 (NURS 306.1) – Adult Health Nursing II – Clinical
Students will build upon previous clinical experiences to manage the care of adults experiencing acute or critical alterations in health status.
Block 11.0 (NURS 409) – Community and Mental Health Nursing
Focuses on the theories and principles that guide nursing care for clients across the lifespan experiencing alterations in mental health while addressing the social determinants of health within the community. Emphasis is on psychopathology and therapeutics, community assessment techniques, and community interventions. Various healthcare delivery systems will be explored.
Block 11.1 (NURS 409.1) – Community and Mental Health Nursing – Clinical
Clinical experience will focus on the management of psychiatric clients in supervised clinical environments. In addition, students will serve as case managers for clients and study an in-depth community health issue.
Block 12.0 (NURS 410) – Care of the Older Adult
This Block focuses on the health care issues and needs of older adults across the health care continuum in various environments. The process of aging is analyzed utilizing various theoretical perspectives that include physical, emotional, and social aging and their impacts on older adult and their families. The complex interplay of the political, economic, cultural, legal, and ethical factors that influence health care delivery to older adults is examined.
Block 13.0 (NURS 406) – Leadership
This Block focuses on the theories and principles of nursing leadership and management in healthcare environments.
Block 14.0 (NURS 407) – Senior Practicum
This block focuses on the transition from a student nurse to a professional registered nurse in the coordination and delivery of healthcare. Emphasis is placed upon management and leadership skills.
Block 15.0 (NURS 408) – Senior Seminar
This Block synthesizes the legal-ethical framework governing professional practice, explores issues and trends of professional nursing, and prepares the students to take the NCLEX-RN exam. Students must successfully complete the designated Comprehensive Predictor, as the final Block assessment.
*Subject to change
Block 1.0 (NURS 321) – Professional Nursing and Health Care Concepts 1
This initial block introduces foundational concepts for professional nursing and health care through the application of selected concepts and exemplars, including selected professional attributes and care competencies. Concepts include clinical decision making, ethics, health care law, health disparities, health care systems, informatics, professional identity, and safety. Didactic 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Block 2.0 (NURS 322) – Introduction to Health Concepts
This block introduces health concepts and related pathophysiology. Concepts include cellular regulation, clotting, cognition, elimination, glucose and hormonal regulation, immunity, infection, inflammation, oxygen/gas exchange, perfusion, thermoregulation, and tissue integrity. Didactic 6 credits (90 contact hours). Prerequisite: Documentation showing completion of all clinical requirements given to the Director of Clinical Resources.
Block 3.0 (NURS 323) – Health Assessment
This block introduces the comprehensive health assessment of individuals across the lifespan through the application of selected concepts and exemplars. Concepts include assessment, comfort, communication, elimination, fluids and electrolytes, informatics, intracranial regulation, mobility, nutrition, oxygenation/gas exchange, perfusion, sensory perception, and tissue integrity. This block includes a simulation laboratory component. Didactic 2.5 credits (37.5 contact hours) and simulation laboratory 0.5 credits (15 contact hours).
Block 3.1 (NURS 323.1) – Health Assessment Clinical
This block provides opportunities to perform a comprehensive health assessment on individuals across the lifespan in diverse clinical settings. Clinical 0.6 credits (24 contact hours). Prerequisite: Documentation showing completion of all clinical requirements given to the Director of Clinical Resources.
Block 4.0 (NURS 324) – Nursing Care Across the Lifespan 1
This block expands upon health concepts across the lifespan through the application of selected concepts and exemplars. Concepts include comfort, communication, culture, diversity, elimination, family dynamics, fluid and electrolytes, grief and loss, health care law, health promotion, infection, inflammation, informatics, mobility, nutrition, oxygenation/gas exchange, safety, sensory perception, sleep, teaching and learning, thermoregulation, and 45 tissue integrity. This block includes a simulation laboratory component. Didactic 5 credits (75 contact hours) and simulation laboratory 1 credit (30 contact hours).
Block 4.1 (NURS 324.1) – Nursing Care Across the Lifespan 1 Clinical
This block builds upon curricular concepts in diverse clinical settings. The focus of this block is to provide safe, evidence-based nursing care across the lifespan while developing clinical reasoning. Clinical 1.8 credits (72 contact hours). Prerequisite: All previous blocks.
Block 5.0 (NURS 325) – Pharmacology
This block introduces pharmacologic nursing practice from a conceptual approach. This block includes a simulation laboratory component. Didactic 4 credits (60 contact hours) and simulation laboratory 0.5 credits (15 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 324.1
Block 6.0 (NURS 326) – Nursing Care Across the Lifespan 2
This block expands upon health concepts across the lifespan through the application of selected concepts and exemplars. Concepts include acid-base balance, clotting, development, elimination, fluid and electrolytes, glucose and hormonal regulation, grief and loss, health promotion, infection, inflammation, mobility, nutrition, oxygenation/gas exchange, perfusion, sensory perception, stress and coping, thermoregulation, and tissue integrity. This block includes a simulation laboratory component. Didactic 6 credits (90 contact hours) and simulation laboratory 1 credit (30 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 324.1
Block 6.1 (NURS 326.1) – Nursing Care Across the Lifespan 2 Clinical
This block continues to build upon curricular concepts in diverse clinical settings. The focus of this block is to provide safe, evidence-based nursing care across the lifespan while developing clinical reasoning. Clinical 4.5 credits (180 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 325 and 326
Block 7 (NURS 327) – Professional Nursing and Health Care Concepts 2
This block expands upon professional nursing concepts within the professional nursing role through the application of selected concepts and exemplars. Concepts include collaboration, evidence-based practice, and health policy. Didactic 3 credits (45 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 326.1
Block 8.0 (NURS 428) – Nursing Care Across the Lifespan 3
This block expands upon the health concepts across the lifespan through the application of selected concepts and exemplars. Concepts include addiction, cellular regulation, clotting, cognition, comfort, development, family dynamics, glucose and hormonal regulation, immunity, intracranial regulation, mood and affect, nutrition, palliative care, perfusion, reproduction, sexuality, thermoregulation, and violence. This block includes a simulation laboratory component. Didactic 7 credits (105 contact hours) and simulation laboratory 0.5 credits (15 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 326.1
Block 8.1 (NURS 428.1) – Nursing Care Across the Lifespan 3 Clinical
This block integrates curricular concepts in diverse clinical settings. The focus of this block is to provide safe, evidence-based nursing care across the lifespan while developing clinical reasoning. Clinical 4.5 credits (180 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 327 and 428
Block 9.0 (NURS 429) – Professional Nursing and Health Care Concepts 3
This block expands upon professional nursing concepts through the application of selected concepts and exemplars. Concepts include health care quality, health care systems, informatics, leadership and management, and population health. Didactic 3 credits (45 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 428.1
Block 10.0 (NURS 430) – Nursing Care Across the Lifespan 4
This block expands upon health concepts across the lifespan through the application of selected concepts and exemplars. Concepts include cellular regulation, clotting, comfort, glucose and hormonal regulation, infection, inflammation, intracranial regulation, mobility, oxygenation/gas exchange, perfusion, and tissue integrity. This block includes a simulation laboratory component. Didactic 5 credits (75 contact hours) and simulation laboratory 1 credit (30 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 428.1
Block 10.1 (NURS 430.1) – Nursing Care Across the Lifespan 4 Clinical
This block synthesizes curricular concepts in diverse clinical settings. The focus of this block is to provide safe, evidence-based nursing care across the lifespan while developing clinical reasoning. Clinical 2.7 credits (108 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 429 and NURS 430
Block 11.0 (NURS 431) – Nursing Practicum
This block provides opportunities to synthesize curricular concepts across the lifespan in the simulation laboratory and diverse clinical settings. Simulation laboratory 0.4 credits (12 contact hours). Clinical 3.6 credits (144 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 430.1
Block 11.1- Senior Practicum Clinical
This block provides opportunities to synthesize curricular concepts across the lifespan in a variety of clinical settings. Clinical 3.6 credits (144 contact hours). Co-requisite: Block 11.0 Prerequisite: All previous blocks
Block 12.0 (NURS 332) – Concept Integration
This final block focuses on the application, synthesis, and integration of professional and health concepts for the successful transition to nursing practice. Didactic 1.9 credits (28.5 contact hours). Prerequisite: NURS 431
*Subject to change