Educational Opportunities for Veterans
Roseman University of Health Sciences is approved to offer educational opportunities to veterans and their families. Students who are formally admitted to a program at Roseman may use their GI Bill® benefits.

Utilizing your VA Benefit at Roseman
For students which have used their benefit at previous institutions and received the tuition and fees up front and/or the benefit covered the majority of the costs, it is different at Roseman. Hopefully the following example will explain how certification works at Roseman and provide guidance for you in determining your financial needs.
Traditional schools have start and end dates in August and December for fall and Jan and May for spring. Since there are few start and end dates, tuition and fees are disbursed in one lump sum (i.e. Ch 33) at the beginning of the academic year. At Roseman due to the block schedule there are more start and end dates and therefore the tuition and fees must be broken down by credit hour and disbursed two weeks prior to each block. Confirmation the student showed up for the first day of the block must take place prior to release of the monies so there is no debt incurred. Essentially, Roseman per credit hour as compared to a traditional school is more and therefor the VA education benefit is used up before the end of the academic year. This means prospective students should understand that other financial means must be considered in order to cover costs. While the VA education benefit helps it does not cover all of the costs. This even means if the student is approved for Ch 33 at 100%.
Students who wish to utilize their benefit should provide the Student Services Office with:
- Declaration of Intent to Apply for VA Benefits Form (provided by Student Services Office)
- Certificate of Eligibility or a copy of the page from their eBenefits account showing the chapter they will be using
- Military Transcript (veterans only); if provided to the academic program please have them forward a copy to the Student Services Office
It is the student’s responsibility to understand how the benefit will be applied to their costs. Bursar and Financial Aid Offices are made aware of students which will be using this benefit provided the student has made initial contact with the Student Services Office.
Roseman does not participate in the Yellow Ribbon program.
It is important to know the VA academic year is August 1 through July 31. Therefore, when students exhaust the benefit for the academic year, they are not eligible again until August 1 of the next year. This is when other financial aid means kick in to cover costs. New students should expect to cover initial costs of student health insurance as well as the university issued IT equipment (iPad, laptop, etc). If students will be waiving the student health insurance plan through the school, they should then plan to do so through the online waiver portal. Students must waive each academic year by the noted deadlines regardless if an approved waiver is already on file.
Chapter 31 students should ensure their Voc Rehab counselor notes the university issued laptop/iPad as a covered cost (block 9) on the 28-1905 to prevent the student from paying out-of-pocket on the day of orientation.
Sally Mickelson is the School Certifying Official (SCO).
Scholarship Information
If you intend to apply for a scholarship and the guidelines indicates the monies must be used for tuition and fees only, this will affect your VA education benefit.
VA pays last so that basically means if the scholarship covers 100% of your tuition and fee costs, then this may mean the only cost VA will cover will be any fees the scholarship doesn’t cover (i.e. iPad or laptop) and housing allowance/book stipend. It is recommended for students to notify the Certifying Official and Bursar ASAP to prevent a VA debt for any enrollment certifications which take place prior to finalists being announced by the scholarship program. Understand scholarships are handled through the Financial Aid Office and not by the School Certifying Officials. Questions should be directed to your Financial Aid Advisor or the Bursar’s Office.
If you have not applied or don’t know if you are eligible for VA benefits, please reference the GI Bill® website or call 1-888-442-4551.
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Veterans Crisis Line
- GI Bill® Comparison Tool
- Connect with VA on Facebook
‘‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at”