Brian C. Oxhorn, PhD, RN is the Dean of the College of Nursing. Prior to serving as Dean, he was the Director, Simulation and Skills Laboratory at the College of Nursing. Dr. Oxhorn joined Roseman in 2012 as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015. Prior to coming to Roseman, he was an Instructor at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno. Dr. Oxhorn began his nursing career in critical care and transitioned into emergency nursing, surgical nursing in the operating and recovery room, management, endoscopy, research and dialysis.
Dr. Oxhorn earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Nevada-Reno in 1992 and a PhD in Pharmacology from University of Nevada-Reno in 2002. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Connecticut Health Sciences Center in 2003. In 2005, he earned a Master of Science in Nursing education from Drexel University.
2012-Present American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
2022-Present State Grassroots Liaisons (SGL) in Nevada
2013-2016 International Nursing Association for Clinical Learning & Simulation
– Newsletter Committee Member
– December 2013 e-Newsletter Contributor
– August 2014 e-Newsletter Contributor
– Finance Committee Member (2014)
– Governance Committee Member (2014)
2006-2011 Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
– Local Chapter Treasurer & Newsletter Chair
2005-2011 American Society of Perianesthesia Nurses
1992-2002 American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Teaching Subjects
Introduction to the Profession
Health Policy & Family Practice Management
Oxhorn, L. & Oxhorn, B. (2016) “Related to Teaching & Learning.” American Nephrology Nurses Association handbook
Oxhorn, B.C., Oxhorn, L., Hochberger, J., Bryan, N. and Jene Hurlbut. Simulation Using a Computer-Assisted, High Fidelity Mannequin Increases Student Confidence Levels for Selected Mental Health Competencies. (In preparation)
Oxhorn, B.C., Sanguinetti, A.R., Corley-Mastick, C., and Buxton, I.L. c-Abl is required for staurosporine-induced caspase activity. Proc. West Pharmacol. Soc. 2005 48: 110-17
Oxhorn, B.C and Buxton, I.L. Caveolar compartmentation of caspase-3 in cardiac endothelial cells. Cellular Signalling 2003 15(5): 489-96
Oxhorn, B.C., Hirzel, D.J., and Buxton, I.L. Isolation and characterization of large numbers of endothelial cells for studies of cell signaling. Microvascular Research 2002 64: 302-15
Kaiser, R.A., Oxhorn, B.C., Andrews, G., Buxton, I.L. Functional compartmentation of endothelial P2Y receptor signaling. Circ. Res. 2002 Aug. 91(4): 292-9
Oxhorn, B.C., Wadia, R., and Buxton, I.L. Caspase-3 is localized to endothelial caveolar domains. Proc. West Pharmacol. Soc. 2001 44: 45-8
Buxton, I.L., Kaiser, R.A., Oxhorn, B.C., and Cheek, D.J. Evidence supporting the Nucleotide Axis Hypothesis: ATP release and metabolism by coronary endothelium. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 2001 Oct. 281(4): H1657-66
Martin, B.A., Oxhorn, B.C., Rossow, C.R., and Perrino, B.A. A cluster of basic amino acid residues in calcineurin b participates in the binding of calcineurin to phosphatidylserine vesicles. J. Biochem. (Tokyo). 2001 May 129(5): 843-9.
Oxhorn, B.C., Cheek, D.J., and Buxton, I.L. Role of nucleotides and nucleosides in the regulation of cardiac blood flow. AACN Clinical Issues. 2000 May 11(2): 241-51.
Hedges, J.C., Oxhorn, B.C., Carty, M., Adam, L.P., Yamboliev, I.A., and Gerthoffer, W.T. Phosphorylation of caldesmon by ERK MAP kinases in smooth muscle. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 2000 Apr. 278(4): C718-26.
Oxhorn, B.C. and Buxton, I.L. Caspase-3 is localized to sarcolemmal caveolar domains. Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory (2001)
Oxhorn, B.C. and Buxton, I.L. Caspase-3 signaling is initiated in caveolae. Western Pharmacological Society (2001)
Oxhorn, B.C., Hirzel, D.J., Zhong, Q., and Buxton, I.L. Large scale production of endothelial cells for studies of compartmentation of signaling. FASEB (2000)
Buxton, I.L., Oxhorn, B.C., and Tichenor, S. Enhanced release of ATP from cells correlates with expression of the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator. Western Pharmacological Society (1999)
Oxhorn, B.C, Oxhorn, L., Hurlbut, J., Bryan, N., Hochberger, J. Simulation improves student self-perceived confidence on selected mental health competencies. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning. (2015)
Hurlbut, J., Oxhorn, B.C, Bryan, N. The Use of High Fidelity Mental Health Simulations to Develop Clinical Skills Among Baccalaureate Nursing Students. Sigma Theta Tau Biennial Convention (2015)
Oxhorn, B.C, Oxhorn, L., Hurlbut, J., Bryan, N., Hochberger, J. Simulation improves student self-perceived confidence on selected mental health competencies. Roseman University Research Symposium (2014) Accepted for Podium Presentation
Oxhorn, B.C., Hurlbut, J., Bryan, N. Community mental health experience using a high-fidelity simulator. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (2014) Accepted for Poster Presentation