Area of expertise
General Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Neonatal Nursing, Midwifery
My name is Jennifer Morris, but friends call me Jen. I am originally from Kenosha, Wisconsin. I left Wisconsin when I was 18 years old to pursue a degree in Marketing/Advertising from Butler University. After graduating and working in the business world for a short time, I realized I wanted to help people instead of just the bottom line. I decided to go back to school for Nursing and attended an accelerated BSN program at Marian University. I always had a love for babies and went right into the Neonatal ICU after graduation. I then gained experience in NICU, PICU, Pediatrics and Mother-Baby. After working for several years as a Registered Nurse, I realized unhealthy babies, most times than not, came from unhealthy moms. This began my love of Women’s Health and Midwifery – If I could help women become healthier than ultimately this should help babies to be born and hopefully live healthier lives as well. I graduated from Georgetown University in 2014, passed national boards and started practicing as a Board Certified Women’s Health NP and Certified Nurse Midwife. I have practiced in both Alaska and Oregon before moving here to Las Vegas. I knew at some point in my career I would love to help educate new aspiring nurses and applied to Roseman University to become a member of the Nursing Skills Lab team – and YAY I was hired! I am so very excited to be a part of this wonderful University!
Georgetown University (2014) – Washington, DC
Master of Science in Nursing – Women’s Health and Midwifery
Marian University (2008) – Indianapolis, IN
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Butler University (2002) – Indianapolis, IN
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Marketing
Nursing Class Valedictorian
Nursing Academic Excellence Award Recipient
Nursing 2000 Scholarship Award Recipient