- Residency in Psychiatry – Jackson Health System, Miami, FL
- MD – University of Miami
- PhD – Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Miami
- BS – Biology, University of Miami
Dr. Karin Esposito joined Roseman COM in 2020 as Professor and Senior Executive Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. She is the Chief Academic Officer for the medical school and will serve as the faculty lead for accreditation. She has held previous roles in curriculum, advising, student affairs, and has experience as a residency program director. Prior to coming to Roseman, Dr. Esposito held roles at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine as Executive Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Associate Dean for Curriculum and Medical Education, and as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and for Women in Medicine and Science. Dr. Esposito was also the founding program director for the psychiatry residency at Citrus Health Network. During her tenure as curriculum dean, she launched the participation of HWCOM in the Association of American Medical College’s “Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency” pilot project and was co-leader for HWCOM’s first American Medical Association “Accelerating Change in Medical Education” grant. Dr. Esposito also has experience in clinical leadership, serving as the Associate Chief Medical Officer for Mental Health and Interim Associate Chief Medical Officer/Chief of Service for Ambulatory Services and Corrections Health at Jackson Health System in Miami, Florida, covering a 200-bed psychiatric facility, Jackson’s seven outlying primary care clinics and multispecialty ambulatory practice, and Miami-Dade County’s corrections health contract. She was on the faculty of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine for 10 years, where she served in multiple roles including Medical Director for psychiatry outpatient services at Jackson, Associate Residency Training Director for psychiatry, and Vice-Chair of a biomedical sciences IRB Committee.
Teaching Areas:
- Psychiatry
- Cognitive science
- Research ethics
Research Interests:
- Medical education
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Depression
Service to Community:
Board of Directors, Citrus Health Network, 2019
Select Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- Daniel M, Morrison G, Hauer KE, Pock A, Seibert C, Amiel J, Poag M, Ismail N, Dalrymple JL, Esposito K, Pettepher C, Santen SA. Strategies From 11 U.S. Medical Schools for Integrating Basic Science Into Core Clerkships. Acad Med. 2021;96(8):1125-1130.
- Swan Sein A, Daniel M, Fleming A, Morrison G, Christner JG, Esposito K, Pock AR, Grochowski CO, Dalrymple JL, Santen SA. Identifying and Supporting Students to Prevent USMLE Step 1 Failures When Testing Follows Clerkships: Insights From 9 Schools. Acad Med. 2020;95(9):1338-1345.
- Hedrick JS, Cottrell S, Stark D, Brownfield E, Stoddard HA, Angle SM, Jr., Buckley LA, Clinch CR, Esposito K, Krane NK, Park V, Teal CR, Ferrari ND, 3rd. A Review of Continuous Quality Improvement Processes at Ten Medical Schools. Med Sci Educ. 2019;29(1):285-290.
- Greer PJ, Jr., Brown DR, Brewster LG, Lage OG, Esposito KF, Whisenant EB, Anderson FW, Castellanos NK, Stefano TA, Rock JA. Socially Accountable Medical Education: An Innovative Approach at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. Acad Med. 2018;93(1):60-65.
- Alonso M, Jardon M, Pizarro M, Castellanos D, Aponte X, Esposito K, Foster A. The Community Value of Academic Psychiatry: The Development of a Psychiatry Residency Program in a Federally Qualified Health Center. Acad Psychiatry. 2018;42(4):572-577.
- Lomis K, Amiel JM, Ryan MS, Esposito K, Green M, Stagnaro-Green A, Bull J, Mejicano GC, AAMC EPA Team. Implementing an Entrustable Professional Activities Framework in Undergraduate Medical Education: Early Lessons From the AAMC Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency Pilot. Acad Med. 2017;92(6):765-770.
- Lomis KD, Ryan MS, Amiel JM, Cocks PM, Uthman MO, Esposito KF. Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency Pilot Group Update: Considerations for Medical Science Educators. Medical Science Educator. 2016;26(4):797-800.
- Arbuckle MR, Degolia SG, Esposito K, Weinberg M, Brenner AM. Job satisfaction among associate training directors in psychiatry: a bimodal distribution. Acad Psychiatry. 2013;37(2):129-130.
- Rubio DM, Schoenbaum EE, Lee LS, Schteingart DE, Marantz PR, Anderson KE, Platt LD, Baez A, Esposito K. Defining translational research: implications for training. Acad Med. 2010;85(3):470-475.
- Esposito K, Goodman K. Genethics 2.0: Phenotypes, Genotypes, and the Challenge of Databases Generated by Personal Genome Testing. The American Journal of Bioethics. 2009;9(6-7):19-21.