Kaylee Vitale received her Doctor of Pharmacy and Master of Business Administration from Roseman University of Health Sciences in 2018, followed by a completion of PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice residency at Valley Hospital Medical Center, where she currently practices as a clinical pharmacist in the medical and surgical intensive care units. In addition to rounding with the critical care teams, she precepts APPE students and PGY-1 pharmacy residents on critical care rotations. She is also Board-certified in Pharmacotherapy.
• PharmD, Roseman University of Health Sciences, 2018
• MBA, Roseman University of Health Sciences, 2018
• Bachelor of Science in Biology, Waldorf University, 2015
Research Interests
• Critical Care
• Infectious Disease
• Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Teaching Subjects
• PHAR 511: Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nephrology
• PHAR 525: Critical Care
• PHAR 566: Integrated Pharmacotherapy Skills