Dr. Manas Mandal is a Fulbright Scholar and Professor at the Roseman University College of Pharmacy. He received PhD in Science from the Jadavpur University, India, and did post-doctoral research at the University of Chicago, and University of Michigan. He held research faculty positions at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy and Virginia Tech’s College of Veterinary Medicine. He conducted vaccine development research at the University of Michigan and bio-defense research at the Virginia Tech.
Dr. Mandal has been awarded with a Fulbright Specialist appointment by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and World Learning in 2019. In 2021, Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board awarded the Scholarship grant to teach a course on ‘Infection, Immunity and Immune-based Therapeutics’ to the Bachelors & Masters students at the Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani Goa campus in September 2022.
Dr. Mandal teaches immunology to the students of Roseman College of Pharmacy, and College of Dental Medicine. He is an adjunct faculty at JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru, India.
With his expertise in immunology and viral vaccine research, Dr. Mandal developed an elective course on ‘COVID-19 infection, immunity and vaccines’. He has been interviewed many times by local TV stations, radio and newspaper on COVID-19 infection, variants and vaccines as a resource person.
Dr. Mandal published peer reviewed research articles in major immunology and pharmaceutical journals, and book chapters. He has served as an editor for scientific journals and reviewer for scientific articles, grants and professional society meeting submissions and awards. Dr. Mandal gave invited talks in US and abroad and chaired scientific sessions. He is professionally associated with the Pharmacy education, research and accreditation organizations (AACP, NABP, ACPE, and AAPS) He is a member of the American Association of Immunologists (AAI), Immunopaedia- Advancing Global Immunology Education, and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Dr. Mandal lives in Henderson, NV with his wife and two daughters. He loves photography, gardening and nature.
Ph. D., Science, 1992, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India.
M. Sc., Physiology (I class), 1985, Presidency College, University of Calcutta, India.
B. Sc., Physiology (Honors), 1983, City College, University of Calcutta, India.
Bench research:
– Salivary biomarker in skeletal maturation of orthodontics patients.
– Drug-induced immune modulation and anti-inflammatory properties of natural products.
– Vaccine research, liposomal vaccine delivery targeting T cell vaccines, analysis of vaccine-induced immune
response, longevity of immunity and immune correlates of protection.
– Immune-based therapeutics and cancer immunotherapy.
– Biodefense research in subunit vaccine development against tularemia.
– Cellular immunology, and monoclonal antibody development.
Educational research:
– Student knowledge retention
– Early intervention in academic progression.
– Faculty perspective on research in teaching focused Colleges of Pharmacy.
– Faculty mentoring and professional development.
1. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
2. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
3. American Association of Immunologists
4. Immunopaedia-Advancing Global Immunology Education
5. American Association of Advancement of Science
- Fulbright Scholarship by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB), August 2021.
- Nehru-Fulbright Commission of US-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) approval of the proposal
‘Infection, Immunity and Immune-based Therapeutics’, September 2020. - US Dept. of State Fulbright Commission approved the proposal, May 2021.
- USN intramural research grant for ‘development of a cell-based assay system for immune response study’,
$10,000, 2007-08. - Upjohn and Vahlteich Award, UM College of Pharmacy. ‘Liposomal adjuvant-based vaccine delivery system
development’, $40,000, 2003-2004. - Senior Research Fellowship, Indian Council of Medical Research, India. ‘Russell’s viper venom vaccine
development’, 1991-1993.
Roseman University College of Pharmacy
PHAR 413: Hematology & Immunology
Basic immunology
– Components of the immune system: WBCs, antibody, acute-phase proteins, and antibody molecules and
their respective functions.
– Introduction to immune system function: innate & adaptive Immunity.
– Cellular immunity & T cell activation: T-helper cell (Th) & cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)
– HIV infection in CD4+ Th cells and CTL activation leading to AIDS
– Humoral immunity & B cell activation, antibody production & antibody-mediated infection protection.
– T and B cell cooperation: class switch over, affinity maturation.
– Immune Tolerance: mechanisms of central and peripheral tolerance.
– Immunization: active vs passive immunization, vaccine formulations, vaccine adjuvants, hypersensitivity to
vaccine components.
– Complement system and immune function.
Immunopathology & Clinical Immunology
– Hypersensitivity Reactions: Types I, II, III & IV mechanisms and clinical examples.
– Autoimmune Diseases: basic pathophysiology, inflammation and tissue damages.
– Immunodeficiencies: primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, basic pathophysiology & treatment.
– Tissue transplantation: rationale for tissue/ organ transplantation, transplant rejection mechanisms and
types, tests for donor-recipient compatibility
– Immunosuppressive drugs used in transplant patients: B cell, T cell and Both B & T cell targeting immunosuppressive drugs.
– Biologics/ biosimilars targeting immune pathways: anti-inflammatory cytokine targeting mAb drugs, B cell,
T cell targeting immune checkpoint inhibitor drugs.
– Tumor immunology & cancer immunotherapy
– Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
PHAR 728: Current Topics in Infection & Immunity (elective course)
– Review of human immune system
– Bacterial infection & immune activation
– Viral infection & immune activation
– Covid-19 pathophysiology, detection, treatment & vaccine development
– Covid-19 vaccine-induced immunity
– Covid-19 variants, vaccine protection, breakthrough infection, & boosters
Roseman College of Dental Medicine
ADE 932:Biomedical Sciences
– Residents of Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopedic program
– Immunology Review and Mucosal Immunity
– Microbiology and Immunology of Dental Caries
– Microbiology and Immunology of Periodontal Diseases
– Allergies and Immunologic Diseases
– Antibiotics and Analgesics in Dentistry
– Oral Microbiology and Immunity
DMD5230: Microbiology and Immunology of Systemic and Oral Diseases
D1 students
– Autoimmune Diseases, Immunodeficiency Syndromes and Tissue Transplantation
– Allergies and immunologic diseases; allergic oral mucosal reactions
– Immunity and Host Defense against Oral Infections
– Immunopathology of Caries and Periodontitis
MS 630:Pharmaceutical Sciences Master’s Program – Concepts in Biomedical Sciences: Principles of Immunology
– Overview of the immune system
– Innate immunity in host defense
– Inflammation- acute and chronic; inflammatory cytokines and biologicals
– Autoimmune diseases, and immunodeficiency disorders
– Immunization, vaccine formulations, COVID-19 vaccines
Research Publications
1. Sai Akilesh M, Wadhwani, A and Mandal, M. Role of Nanotechnology in HIV diagnosis and prognosis. Book
chapter in Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – HIV, 2020, Vol 5, 1-35, Bentham Science Publishers.
2. Mandal, M. Bacterial Pore-Forming Toxin in Macromolecule Delivery: Lessons Learned from Listeriolysin O.
Book chapter in Handbook of Toxinology: Microbial Toxins, Springer, Ch. 17, 317-328, 2017.
3. Li, J., Ryder C., Mandal, M., Ahmed, F., Azadi, P., Snyder, D. S,. Pechous, R. R,. Zahrt, T., and Thomas J. Inzana.
2007. Attenuation and protective efficacy of an O-antigen-deficient mutant of Francisella tularensis LVS.
Microbiology, 153: 3143-3155.
4. Stier, E., Mandal, M. and Lee, K. -D. 2004. Differential cytosolic delivery and presentation of antigen by
listeriolysin O-liposomes to macrophages and dendritic cells. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2: 74-82.
5. Mandal, M., Kawamura, K., Wherry, E.J., Ahmed, R. and Lee K. -D. 2004. Cytosolic delivery of viral
nucleoprotein by listeriolysin O-liposome induces enhanced specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte response and
protective immunity. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 1: 2-8.
6. Mandal, M., Mathew E., Provoda C., and Lee, K. -D. 2003. Delivery of macromolecules into cytosol using
liposomes containing hemolysin. Methods in Enzymology 372, Ch. 18: 319-339.
7. Mandal, M. and Lee, K. -D. 2002. Listeriolysin O-liposome-mediated cytosolic delivery of macromolecule
antigen in vivo: Enhancement of antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte frequency, activity, and tumor
protection. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1563: 7-17.
8. Chiu, N. M., Chun, T., Fay, M., Mandal, M. and Wang, C.-R. 1999. The majority of H2-M3 is retained
intracellularly in a peptide-receptive state and traffic to the cell surface in the presence of N-formylated
peptides. J. Exp. Med. 190: 423-434.
9. Mandal, M., Chen, X.-R., Alegre, M-L., Chiu, N. M., Chen, Y.-H., Castano, A.R. and Wang, C.-R. 1998. Tissue
distribution, regulation and intracellular localization of murine CD1 molecules. Mol. Immunol. 35: 525-536.
10. Chen, Y. -H., Chiu, N. M., Mandal, M., Wang, N. and Wang, C.-R. 1997. Impaired NK+ T cell development and
early IL-4 production in CD1 deficient mice. Immunity 6: 459-467.
Presentations (seminar & webinars)
1. Invited webinar ‘Invited webinar ‘Immunotherapeutics for Autoimmune Diseases/Disorders’. M. Mandal.
Academic ‘Expert Interaction Series 2022 Lecture for PharmD, M Pharm and PG students of JSS AHER, Ooty,
India. January 20, 2022.
2. Invited webinar ‘COVID-19 Vaccines and Variants: Back to Normal Life?’. M. Mandal. Organized by JSS
College of Pharmacy, Ooty, India, Dec 9th, 2021.
3. Invited webinar ‘Over with Covid-19 Through Vaccines and Variants’, M. Mandal. Roseman University
Lifelong Learning for Alumni Seminar, Sept 27, 2021.
4. Invited webinar ‘Covid-19 Vaccines and Variants: Time to Get Back to Normalcy’, A Public Health Awareness
Lecture, Mandal, M. Organized by the JSS AHER, School of Pharmacy, Mauritius, July 2nd, 2021 [over 250
attendees from 9 countries]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtX_jKSDGfA
5. Webinar ‘What Mentorship Can do to Advance Your Career?’ AACP Biological Sciences Section Mentorship
Committee, June 3rd, 2021.Mandal, M., Westrich, L., Kumar, P., and Rajagopalan, V. Moderator: Kinney, S.
6. ‘Not so green, but effective vaccines for COVID-19’. Mandal, M., April 9, 2021. Invited webinar (1st speaker)
for ‘national virtual conference on green approaches in medicinal chemistry for sustainable drug design
and synthesis’ JSS College of Pharmacy, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Ooty, India.
7. ‘Looking Ahead to Tomorrow: Post Pandemic’, Mandal, M., April 1st, 2021. Invited webinar to the Dept. of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
8. Roseman University Neighborhood Health Series webinar ‘Looking Ahead to Tomorrow: COVID-19 in 2021.
Mandal, M., January 21, 2021. https://youtu.be/o_AuGbh2rg
9. Covid-19, Where Are We Now? Mandal, M., Nov 21, 2021. Invited webinar as a ‘resource person’ to Prof. S. C.
Lahiri Memorial Foundation organized by IQAC, Moulana Azad College, Calcutta University, India on
Emerging Health Management with special reference to Covid-19 in India.
10. Covid-19 Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Vaccine. Mandal, M., August 13, 2020. Invited webinar
for the 1st Roseman University Resource Series ‘Lifelong Learning for Alumni’.
11. ‘Best Practices for Developing Effective AACP Mentoring Programs and Relationships for Pharmacy
Faculty’. Kinney, S., Eiland, LS., Calinski, DM., Mandal, M., Novatt, J., Borgelt LM., Dell KA and Smith SE.
Virtual presentation with CE credit, Women Faculty & Biological Sciences Section Mentoring Group, AACP
Annual Meeting, July 15, 2020.
12. ‘Bugs and Biodrugs: Incorporating Emerging Biological Sciences Topics into the Pharmacy Curriculum’.
Calinski, DM., Weldon, A., Johnson JL., and Mandal, M. Biological Sciences Section, AACP Annual Meeting
July 16, 2020.
13. Salivary biomarkers, skeletal maturation and treatment decision in orthodontic patients. M. Mandal. AAPS
annual meeting PharmSci 360 Conference, Rapid Fire Session, Nov 4, 2019, San Antonio, TX.
14. ‘Equity Gap in Pharmacy Education’. Mandal, M. presented at the AACP Virtual Pharmacy Education 2021,
Roundtable Session I, July 20, 2021.
15. ‘Biologicals in the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases’. Mandal, M. AACP Annual Meeting 2014, July 27
Grapevine, TX.
Media Exposure
1. Interviewed by FOX 5 TV on Omicron variant transmissibility on January 20, 2022.
2. Healthy Monday with Marife Aczon-Armstrong on PHLV radio on Covid-19 vaccine facts for Pilipino
community, Dec 22, 2020.
3. Interviewed by News 3 KSNV TV channel on Covid-19, vaccines, release, side effects-allergic reaction etc.
Dec 7, 8 & 9, 2020. Interview was broadcasted for next several days, and picked up by other local channel in
San Antonio, TX.
4. Interviewed by Channel 13 KTNV TV on Coronavirus vaccine by Pfizer on Dec 9, 2020.
https://www.ktnv.com/news/coronavirus/pfizers-covid-19-vaccine-inches-closer-to-approval- las-vegas-
5. Local community PHLV radio interview ‘Healthy Mondays with AAPINA of NV’ with Dr. Marife Aczon-
Armstrong. Topic: Covid-19, facts and myths, April 6 & August 17, 2020.
6. PHLV radio interview ‘Healthy Mondays with AAPINA of NV’ with Dr. Marife Aczon-Armstrong Topic: Healthy
Lifestyle and Immune-boosting Supplements, Nov 11, 2019.
7. https://news3lv.com/news/local/new-vaccines-on-the-horizon-doctors-say-i
Covid-19 vaccine protection against new variants Feb 3, 2021. Interviewed by Lauren Clark for Channel 3
8. Interview with Kyndell Kim anchor reporter, KSNV, News 3 IKVCW on Covid-19 vaccine protection timeline,
March 17, 2021.
9. Interview with Kyndell Kim anchor reporter, KSNV, News 3 IKVCW on Moderna Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial
in children 6 months-12 yr of age, 03/22/21.
10. PHLV radio interview ‘Healthy Mondays with AAPINA of NV’ with Dr. Marife Aczon-Armstrong on Covid-19
vaccine hesitancy in Asian minority community in Las Vegas Valley’ April 13, 2021.
11. ‘Vaccines are the last push to getting past the variant strains’- KSNV news3 TV interview on 6/18/21 with
Lauren Clark.
12. Invited by the Asian Community Development Council (ACDC) and PHLV radio of Las Vegas as a speaker for
‘Family in Focus on Covid-19 Immunization Update’, June 28, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
13. ‘Local COVID-19 hospitalizations increase-most patients unvaccinated’- KLAS Channel 8 news interview
with Victoria Saha on July 8, 2021.
14. ‘Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine booster dose, FDA stand & controversy’. News 3 interview with Kyndell Kim on July
9, 2021.
15. ‘Possible surge in COVID-19 due to emergence of Delta variant in fall’. Voice of America interview with
Adriana Alvero, July 13, 2021.
16. ‘SNHD and CCSD mask mandate with surging Delta variant infection in Las Vegas valley’. News3 TV
KSNV/KVCW Las Vegas with Alexis Goree and Maria Thompson, July 27, 2021.
17. ‘Health experts stress importance of masks to prevent more Covid-19 mutations’ Interviewed by Orko
Manna of channel 8 news on July 29, 2021. https://www.8newsnow.com/news/health-experts-stress-
18. News 3 interview with Kyndell Kim on ‘Covid-19 vaccine booster dose recommendation and Delta variant’
on August 6, 2021.
19. FOX5 TV interview with Ashley Casper- Mixing vaccines? August 13, 2021.
20. ‘Operation Vaccination- vaccine hesitancy and teen’s perspective on Covid-19 vaccine’- a townhall meeting
with Maria Thompson, Senior News Producer, News 3 TV, August 24, 2021.
21. PHLV radio ‘Healthy Mondays’ interview with Dr. Marife Aczon-Armstrong on Omicron variant and
community safety aspects. Dec 12, 2021. https://fb.watch/9TMJXg0SGW/
22. News3 TV interview with Kyndell Kim on Omicron variant, and family safety during holidays. Dec 16, 2021.
23. FOX5 interview With Shannon Miller on UK study on Omicron variant infectivity and disease severity. Dec
24, 2021. https://www.fox5vegas.com/news/study-hospitalizations-less-likely-with-omicron/video_b1043ffa-