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  1. Conflict, Emotional Intelligence, and the Lifelong Colleague Commitment

    July 8, 2019

    Conflict! A word that strikes fear in the hearts of even the most stouthearted among us. Conflict!! An ominous event that elicits an involuntary, white-knuckled, fight-flight response. Conflict!!! A saber-rattling rivalry that ends with an imperious winner and a loser…

  2. Statistical Software

    May 1, 2019

    They say you never really learn statistics until the time comes to analyze your own data.  Once you are faced with this situation, your first question will probably be What statistical test is appropriate for my data?  The second will…

  3. Striving for Success: A Guide to Student Learning Outcomes at Roseman

    March 6, 2019

    College is one of the best times of your life to better yourself and develop habits that help you grow as an individual and as a community member. In choosing to work in the medical field, you have already decided…

  4. In a database daze?

    November 15, 2018

    Research with confidence this November with Roseman University Library Competent patient care begins with a solid foundation of well researched, evidence-based practice. Even the simplest of assignments can inspire confusion and anxiety if you aren’t sure where to start. Fortunately,…

  5. Presenting Your Research Findings?

    January 25, 2018

    Roseman Library’s “Presenting Your Research” Guide Has You Covered You’ve put in hours of hard work, poring over the literature, formulating a research question, collecting and sifting through data, and now you’re ready to present your results. If the thought…

  6. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Roseman

    April 5, 2017

    SoTL stands for the “Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.” People who engage in SoTL study ways to make teaching and learning more effective. According to Ernest Boyer, author of “Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate,” SoTL is an emerging movement of scholarly…