Cultural Awareness in the Workplace

December 10, 2014

The nursing field continues to become more diverse, moving away from the stereotype of the white, female nurse. A diverse workplace can significantly improve team success, allowing for greater input from various sources. When it comes to nursing, cultural awareness can improve the work environment for all co-workers, but can also improve patients’ experiences and satisfaction with their care.

Promoting Diversity 

There are many ways in which people are unique and different. In general, workplace diversity often includes the following:

  • Race
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Religion
  • Ethnicity

In a hospital or clinical environment, each of these differences can lend unique points of view to the way nursing care is provided to patients. Managers can promote diversity by giving all employees a voice to express their personal opinions when appropriate.

Encouraging Cultural Awareness

People’s cultural backgrounds can shape the ways that they interact with coworkers as well as patients. Without appropriate awareness for others’ cultures, misunderstandings can take place. Managers or staff leaders should encourage staff members to share their cultural differences in order to promote individuality and understanding of where certain behaviors may come from.

The Benefits of a Diverse Nursing Staff

A diverse staff that is culturally aware of each others’ differences can be very successful. Not only can the expression and appreciation of all staff members’ cultures promote synergy, it can also bring a wider range of experiences and skills to the forefront. Some of the other benefits include the following:

  • Awareness of each staff members’ strengths and abilities to promote productivity
  • Improved interpersonal relationships
  • Ability to meet patient demands by connecting with nurses of similar cultural backgrounds
  • Improved individuality and workplace satisfaction

Whether a nursing staff is naturally diverse or was created that way on purpose, each employee can bring distinctive skills that can benefit the group as a whole. Raising cultural awareness can promote self-confidence, resulting in employees who feel respected, valued and trusted as individuals. In the end, patients are able to benefit from a staff that is unified in working together to provide stellar care.