Dr. Civon Gewelber Presents in Neighborhood Health Series
In her presentation, Dr. Gewelber examines of how oral health and overall health impact one another.
On October 17, Dr. Civon Gewelber presented during Roseman’s Neighborhood Health Series. In her lecture entitled, “Bolstering Oral Health in Patient Populations Including Those Medically Fragile: The Path to Healthier Mouths & Bodies”, Dr. Gewelber discussed how oral health and overall health are related.
After an introduction by Vanessa Maniago, Dr. Gewelber gave a brief overview of her topic. “We’re talking about how your oral health and your systemic health are connected,” she explained. “We’re talking about how your mouth affects your body and how your body affects your health.”
She began her lecture by telling the assembled guests about how oral conditions (obstructed airways, dysphagia, etc.) and hygiene (plaque and bacteria, cavities, Periodontal Disease, etc.) effect our overall health in negative ways by contributing to or worsening conditions like sleep apnea, lung disease, stroke, brain bleeds, and diabetes. Similarly, conditions such as cerebral palsy, GERD, diabetes, and many more can have direct negative impacts on oral health.
Then she described how personal characteristics (age, weight, etc.), choices (alcohol and tobacco use, nutrition, oral hygiene, etc.), and experiences (chemotherapy, radiation exposure, joint or valve replacements, etc.) impact the condition of our mouth by increasing our likelihood of developing oral cancer, cavities, loss of taste, thrush, and dry mouth or limit the range of treatments we can receive in the dental office.
Following her presentation, Dr. Gewelber answered audience questions. “At the end of the lecture,” she recalled, “I was surrounded by guests with additional questions. I stayed almost 45 minutes after the presentation to try and answer every question I could to the fullest extent.”
Dr. Gewelber enjoyed this opportunity to teach. “I have not had a chance to do formal lecturing really since before COVID, so this was fun for me, to say the least,” she said. “I enjoy educating people and teaching them things that will give them practical benefits in their lives.”
“Many dentists don’t have the time to fully explain these things in a regular dental office visit,” she added. “I was very happy to see so many members of the public interested in my topic and hope they will ask their hygienist or dentist more questions at their next dental appointment.”
Though this topic is important, it can be challenging to get patients to engage with it. “One of the most difficult things to do is to motivate people to do daily home care and routine maintenance tasks like 3–6-month cleanings, 6-month exams, and annual x-rays,” Dr. Gewelber remarked. “Many people don’t realize how important oral health is to overall health or how many oral health problems are preventable!”
Dr. Gewelber overcomes this challenge by making oral care relevant for her patients. “I try to find something a patient is interested in and cares about and then link it to their oral health,” she explained. “[This helps] inspire them to do the extra work or extra effort that will have direct and indirect benefits to them.”
She hoped that this presentation would help participants see why proper oral hygiene is crucial for their overall health. “I want people to take control of their oral health and take it as seriously as they take their other issues,” she said. “I want people to understand that it takes daily effort to be healthy in any way, and that includes oral health. The long-term payoffs are worth it.”
To view this session in its entirety, visit the Roseman University of Health Sciences YouTube page.
In the next Neighborhood Healthcare Series event, held on November 17, 2024, Teresa Rawlins will discuss the changes to this year’s Medicare plan. Reserve your spot by November 16, 2024.
This lecture series is free and open to the public, and guests who attend in-person will receive a complimentary meal.
The Neighborhood Healthcare Series has been sponsored by Clark County Credit Union, since its inception in 2015. Please join us in thanking them for their invaluable partnership!