Get Started with EndNote Using Roseman University Library’s EndNote Guide

February 16, 2018

We all know the importance of properly citing sources in our writing, but between the various citation styles and source types, keeping your citation consistent can get complicated quickly. Fortunately, citation management software such as EndNote can make rapid citation a breeze, though they require a little work to set up properly. With Roseman University Library’s EndNote Guide, we offer all the essential information you’ll need to get started.

EndNote is a great way to organize resources you find, then works with your word processor to insert them into your document using the citation style of your choice. This enables users to quickly cite sources in a consistent manner and takes the guesswork out of referencing new ones. In order to use EndNote effectively, there are four main steps you need to take:

  1. Setting up your library
  2. Organizing your references
  3. Populating your library from databases
  4. Selecting an output style

Our EndNote guide provides resources designed to walk you through each of these steps, as well as link you to additional sources that will help you make the most out of your software. As always, if you have any questions about setting up or using EndNote, please Ask the Library.

Alicia Parry, Library Assistant