If you have been considering applying to graduate school, chances are you have spent a considerable amount of time and effort to find the right program. Maybe you started with an initial internet search based on your interests or professional goals. Then you put together a list of ideal programs and reviewed the admissions requirements. After investing your time and narrowing down your list to a few top programs, the next step is making sure you get accepted.
This involves requesting letters of recommendation from academic or professional acquaintances, writing a personal statement, requesting official transcripts from any previously attended university or college, and fulfilling any testing requirements. Finally, it’s time to fill out the application and submit all the required documents. Unfortunately, there is no way to skirt around the work involved in applying for admission.
Just as there is no shortcut to a great education, you do have to put in the effort to show that as a student, you will be successful. We have a few tips to help ensure your efforts are not wasted!
Our first admissions tip for potential applicants is to apply early. If you have found the right program, begin applying right away before available seats are taken by more proactive applicants. Programs can only accommodate so many students, no matter how many talented and competitive applicants there are. The applicants that apply early are evaluated first and therefore, given first consideration for admission.
Early applicants might also be able to obtain fellowships or grants that are limited to a certain number of students. By applying early, not only will you have a higher chance of obtaining admission, but you might also be more likely to receive financial assistance. In other words, the early bird really does catch the worm!
Monica D’Ottavio, MA
Roseman University of Health Sciences
Graduate Programs Coordinator
College of Graduate Studies & Office of Research
Roseman University’s College of Graduate Studies offers two master’s degree programs, Biomedical Sciences (MBS) and Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSPS). Both programs are designed for individuals like you seeking educational, developmental, and professional growth. Our HyFlex model offers the benefits of hybrid learning in a flexible course structure. You can choose to attend classes in person, participating online, or do both, according to need or preference.
Both our MBS and MSPS programs give you opportunities to advance your skills and increase your competitive edge in future educational aspirations or within your chosen field. Each program uses Roseman’s Six-Point Mastery Learning Model® to create mastery and competency in the biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences, research, business, and regulatory compliance in a collaborative and team-based environment with peers and faculty mentors.
Learn more about Roseman University’s College of Graduate Studies programs here.
Remember: the early bird catches the worm! The deadline to apply to our graduate programs is August 1st.